Sunday, June 27, 2010

Discovery Sunday!

Just ten blocks south of DeLaSalle (and also from my room on Tracy) is the Discovery Center.
I needed a good walk to stretch out my tired bones and refresh my soul this humid Sunday afternoon, so I headed to 47th and Troost and into a virtual mid-town oasis.
I saw bullfrogs, rabbits, butterflies, yellow finches, Baltimore Oriels, squirrels and plenty of yellow jackets and wrens. Mercy, it's amazing what you can find when you're not expecting much.
I happened to be talking to Karol on my cell phone for part of my Sunday stroll. She was exclaiming about the orchids and bananas and I didn't want to one-up her, but if she could have seen the Black-Eyed Susans and Cattails, well maybe Hawaii isn't the only paradise left in this crazy old world.
I just love how God continually surprises me! Lordy!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Pictures--but not as beautiful as here!!! ;)
