Tuesday, May 25, 2010


The Oceanic Time Warner Cable lady came to our house today.
She told me that I would have to go up into our attic to drill holes for our connections. That way, we would not have to tear into our walls.
What the heck, I do what I'm told. So I donned her "miner's headlamp" and climbed up her ladder and drilled about six holes before she realized that we were not getting anywhere and then discovered that our house was already internally wired!
So now we are connected to the Internet. That is a major breakthrough for us, as the Big Island is not big on connectivity in general.

1 comment:

  1. Aside from cable wires, what else is in your attic? If your attic is big enough to make a comfortable room, why don't you do remodeling. Spare rooms will come in handy if you are going to have visitors. It could make a good studio, too, or an art gallery. Anything just to make use of the space is good. It could avoid pest from multiplying in your house. Look online for more inspiration. You can do it by yourself, but for your convenience, there are companies that you can contact to do the job for you. Take care!

    Complete Lofts
