Wednesday, November 25, 2009

He's much more "in focus" in person

Former DeLaSalle Board President, David F. Oliver is a very focused person. Too bad my picture-taking skills could not do justice to this facet of his being!

He's also very metaphysical, intellectual and inspiring.

We visited over coffee and croissants this morning at Aixois Restaurant, and caught up on the deeper elements in our lives. David has a deep spirituality and sense of being. He is one of those people whose attention in a conversation brings great comfort to others. He listens deeply and has the ability to "read" the meaning of a conversation beyond just the words that are spoken. He is compassionate and a leader.
He is a lawyer and serves on many boards and assocations, including the Kansas City Civic Council. I have been graced with his friendship for many years, and hope that we remain friends for many more years.

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